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InnerCareNatural Health - Naturopath & Nutritionist
Naturopath Inna Kurlyandchik providing a personalised consultation to a patient at InnerCare Clinic, exploring natural healing methods.

InnerCare Natural Health

What is naturopathy?

Naturopathy is the practical application of natural therapies supported by scientific evidence with the objective of resolving system imbalances rather than symptoms, treating the whole person and addressing the underlying cause of a health issue. Based upon defined naturopathic principles naturopathy follows a therapeutic order seeking the least invasive natural treatment options first.

Why see a naturopath?

Naturopathy is a treatment solution suitable for many conditions across all ages. Consulting a naturopath may assist you in lowering fatigue, improving energy levels, helping gut function, enhancing immunity, balancing your hormones, getting better sleep, reducing stress, anxiety or depression, assisting with pain and inflammation, and even helping you to achieve your ideal weight.
You do not need to present with illness to benefit from naturopathic treatments – preventative natural treatments are effective in avoiding of many illnesses by boosting the body’s natural healing capability and restoring balance.

What does a naturopathic consultation involve?

Your first consultation is intended to get to know you and understand your health concerns. Typically, this will mean a thorough case assessment will be made to consider your medical and family history and analyse the function of the various body systems that may be involved. A physical assessment may also be required, and this might include measuring your blood pressure, height, weight etc. Treatment options are discussed, then a prescription is tailored to your specific needs.

Can a naturopath write prescriptions?

Naturopaths can prescribe natural supplements including herbal medicines, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. These are ‘practitioner only’ products of the highest quality which can only be dispensed following an appropriate consultation. Treatments from naturopaths may also include dietary recommendations, with specific foods being recommended for inclusion or elimination. Lifestyle recommendations may also be part of your treatment plan and include stress reduction techniques and exercise.

Can a naturopath order blood tests?

Some tests may be needed to identify underlying causes of your health issues. Your naturopath may order blood tests through a private laboratory or via a referral letter to your GP where appropriate. In addition, naturopaths may recommend functional testing. These are conducted through private laboratories investigate hormonal, gastrointestinal, immune, genetic, metabolic and nutritional factors that might be affecting your health.

Can I take natural medicines if I am on other medications?

Any medicine, including natural ones, may interact with other medications. Some nutritional or herbal medicines are safe to use alongside your current medications. However, it is always best to seek professional advice if a particular natural product is suitable for you. Always consult your doctor about any concerns regarding pharmaceutical medications you are taking.

Can a naturopath help me if I am already having other treatments?

Naturopathy can complement treatments from other healthcare modalities. It can be suitable for people with complex, multi-system diseases who may be having treatments with other healthcare practitioners such as a physio, GP or specialist doctor, as part of a team approach to their healthcare needs. Sometimes when you see a naturopath, they may refer you to another healthcare practitioner who can complement your naturopathic treatment and enable you to get the best outcomes for your health.

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If you are seeking a professionally qualified naturopath in Brisbane, book your appointment now.

Inna Kurlyandchik | BHSc (Naturopathy), Grad Cert Nutr, PhD candidate

01 November 2022

FAQ: What is naturopathy and how can it help me?

Welcome to InnerCare Natural Health – your premier destination for naturopathy and nutrition.

In our increasingly complex healthcare environment, many are seeking holistic approaches to wellness that extend beyond conventional medicine. Naturopathy, with its roots in natural therapies and evidence-based practice, offers a unique pathway to health that considers the whole person rather than just symptoms. In this article, we delve into the core aspects of naturopathy, addressing common queries and shedding light on how this time-honoured practice can benefit individuals of all ages and health backgrounds. Whether you're grappling with specific health issues or simply aiming for optimal well-being, join us as we explore the transformative potential of naturopathic medicine.

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